Wednesday, May 29, 2013

2nd Place

Hogans travel team had their first tournament of the year. They won first 3 games and got to the championship. 2nd place is a great way to start the season!!


Taylor was in a crossfit gauntlet last weekend and took first place in his division. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

I love Spring

I have to take pictures of all the spring blossoms before they disappear. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Lukes new hair-do for crazy hair day. Before and after shots.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Fun Weekend

Jacks team had a great baseball weekend. Won all games and the championship game. Jack pitched a whole game 72 pitches in 7 innings. Had some great hits and a couple doubles. Fun to watch and always a nice ride home after a win.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Other events

James is staying busy and enjoying his new job still. Coaching at night and trying to fit everything else in his new schedule, all while looking handsome as ever!

I ran the Boston marathon a week ago. A lot more eventful this year than last. I finished and was fortunate to be away from the finish line when I heard the explosions. So sad for all those people. Luckily while stranded, when all public transportation shut down, we ran into the missionaries. 7 of them walked us to the nearest Stake Center where the sister missionaries were waiting to drive us to our car. Very grateful for them, happy to be home and safe.

Lots of catching up to do!

Luke is loving baseball, his team finally got their first win this season. Hogan is working hard but is still waiting for a win. Jacks travel team took 2nd place in their first tournament this year and his school ball team is undefeated. Taylor is busy driving, took an elbow to his eyebrow in gym class from a friend. He got 3 stitches, but it hasn't slowed him down. He took first place in the Junior crossfit games and won himself a new sweatshirt.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Where is Spring

This had better be the last of the snow storms for us! April 1st hopefully will bring sun, warmth, and some flowers.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

James turns 40!!

Thanks to all who made his birthday great!! He got some clothes and a new watch. And lots of letters from family. He loved it.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Happy St. Patricks Day

Hope you all are celebrating like us. Drinking Birch Beer and in our green-compliments of Barbara, thanks Barb.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Exciting weekend

Luke and Jacks basketball teams made it to the championship game on Saturday.
Luke's team won the undefeated team this season. Jacks team came in second, they fought hard but couldn't get the win. Both played great, it was fun to go and watch.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Couple of updates

While we had our visitors, Hogan turned 12. And James and I celebrated our 18th Anniversary. Paula and Jim love sitting in the backseat, Jim loves the very back seat. They especially love riding with us while Taylor is driving.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Grandma and Grandpa visiting!!

Grandma Polly and Grandpa Jim are here to visit this week. They have seen lots of basketball and soccer, and there are a lot more to be seen. Here we are out to dinner at one of our favorite Restaurant.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

James has no faith in me. Here is my first post that I did myself.

Last night we survived wimpy Noreaster Nemo. At least for us it wasn't so bad. I think Maine got hit the hardest. All we got was about 2 maybe 3 inches of snow. But everything was canceled, so we will be making up lots of basketball games. They always prematurely cancel everything out here. Hopefully I can successfully send you a picture of what we got. All of you Utahns can have a great laugh at our severe storm.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

The Blog Begins (and probably ends) Today

Hello family and friends,

D-Day, as it were, is today. I've entered the world of blogging, and most likely will be exiting said world in a matter of hours, but I've at least got to try. Bare with me, and hopefully I can keep you all posted on what we are doing in Pennsylvania.