Monday, April 29, 2013

Fun Weekend

Jacks team had a great baseball weekend. Won all games and the championship game. Jack pitched a whole game 72 pitches in 7 innings. Had some great hits and a couple doubles. Fun to watch and always a nice ride home after a win.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Other events

James is staying busy and enjoying his new job still. Coaching at night and trying to fit everything else in his new schedule, all while looking handsome as ever!

I ran the Boston marathon a week ago. A lot more eventful this year than last. I finished and was fortunate to be away from the finish line when I heard the explosions. So sad for all those people. Luckily while stranded, when all public transportation shut down, we ran into the missionaries. 7 of them walked us to the nearest Stake Center where the sister missionaries were waiting to drive us to our car. Very grateful for them, happy to be home and safe.

Lots of catching up to do!

Luke is loving baseball, his team finally got their first win this season. Hogan is working hard but is still waiting for a win. Jacks travel team took 2nd place in their first tournament this year and his school ball team is undefeated. Taylor is busy driving, took an elbow to his eyebrow in gym class from a friend. He got 3 stitches, but it hasn't slowed him down. He took first place in the Junior crossfit games and won himself a new sweatshirt.